Phoenix Project #2102
For this project, a total of 8 drilled micropiles (“DMPs”) were installed to support new foundations at the KCWA Pipe Bridge Repair project in Coventry, RI.
Phoenix worked on both sides of the river bank to complete this project. Safety measures were taken to ensure construction could begin safely while working with a flowing water source in close proximity to the site.
During construction, each pile was advanced through all overburden soils until the specified tip elevation of 57.5 ft and socketed uncased 37.5 ft into the underlying sands. After each hole was advanced to the required tip elevation and prior to materials placement, the drill hole was flushed clean with water to remove excess cuttings. Grout was then placed via tremie, this process displaced the excess cutting and water remaining in the drill hole and continued until clean grout overtopped the casing. The tremie pipe was removed and replaced with core steel into the grouted hole. Centralizers were attached to the core steel at approximately 10 foot intervals; including one within 2 feet of the top and bottom of said reinforcement. The piles were furnished and installed with a new pile cap with a plate and nut.
Following installation, 2 performance tests were completed on production piles. These tests demonstrated that the production piles were capable of supporting the new pipe bridge foundations.
Phoenix was able to install all piles successfully and safely while working closely to a flowing river.