Drilled Shafts

Drilled shafts are large diameter bored, cast-in-place composite elements in which the applied loads are resisted by a rebar cage, concrete, and a combination of end bearing and friction forces. Drilled shafts can support very high axial and lateral loads. A variety of installation methods such as slurry or casing are used depending on the geotechnical conditions encountered. The equipment for drilled shafts usually requires unrestricted headroom and a large site footprint, although Phoenix can successfully install drilled shafts in a low-headroom configuration when site conditions warrant (see picture below).

Typical Applications for Drilled Shafts

Foundation Support
Earth Support
Catenary Structures

Drilled Shafts Gallery

Drilled Shafts
Drilled Shafts
Concrete Tremie Pour for Drilled Shaft
Drilled Shaft Reinforcement and Anchor Bolts
Drilled Shafts
Drilled Shafts
Drilled Shafts
Concrete Tremie Pour for Drilled Shaft
Drilled Shaft Reinforcement and Anchor Bolts
Drilled Shafts